with truth,
We live in a
world with mixed messages in the media, politics, and differing opinions on
anything and everything we can imagine. It may often feel overwhelming to
really find and discern where to find the truth. Through studying I have found instruction
on where we can find truth and the protection it can provide.
Truth can be defined as honesty. Straight and simple; be honest. In the 13th Article of Faith it proclaims, “[w]e believe in being honest” (Article of Faith 1:13). In Exodus we read, “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour” (Exodus 20:16). To bear a false witness is to say something that is not true, or to falsely stand for something that is not right. Our neighbor can be defined as anyone we interact with.
When the resurrected Jesus Christ appears to the Nephites He gave
them a new law (see 3 Nephi 12): rather than simply refraining from wrong actions or words, His
new law requires a greater commitment from them—to control their thoughts. This
law of the Lord also applies in our day.
Ezra Taft Benson said the following.
“Thoughts lead to acts, acts lead to habits,
habits lead to character—and our character will determine our eternal destiny”
(link to article).
than just being honest in the things we do and say, we need to be honest (and in
control of) our thoughts. In the Book of Mosiah, King Benjamin also counsels us
on the importance of controlling thoughts,
“But this much I can tell you, that if ye do not
watch yourselves, and your thoughts,
and your words, and your deeds, and observe the commandments of God, and
continue in the faith of what ye have heard concerning the coming of our Lord,
even unto the end of your lives, ye must perish. And now, O man, remember, and
perish not” (Mosiah 4:30, emphasis added).
As we obey this
law of the Lord it is not just our outward self that is being refined; it is a
purification of our inner self as well. Being honest in our actions, speech,
and thoughts helps to build our character. Through our honesty we can be
protected from many undesirable consequences that result from dishonest acts.
We can also be protected from the guilt and mental anguish that come when we
try to hide the truth.
In the scriptures
there are many examples of stalwart people. I want to point out a group of
exemplary young men; Helaman’s stripling warriors. They are described as
“And they were all young men, and they were exceedingly valiant for
courage, and also for strength and activity; but behold, this was not all—they
were men who were true at all times in whatsoever thing they were entrusted.
"Yea, they were men of truth and soberness, for they had been taught to keep the commandments of
God and to walk uprightly before him” (Alma 53:20-21, emphasis added).
The parents of
these boys had once been a bloodthirsty people but once converted to the truth
they never went astray. The result of their complete conversion can be seen in
their young sons. Their sons were strictly obedient to the commandments of God.
Through their obedience, and their faith—for they knew the Lord would deliver
them out of whatever difficulty they faced (see Alma 56:47)—this inexperienced
group of young men fought against a very experienced Lamanite army and “not one
soul of them” (Alma 56:56) fell to the earth.
we follow their example by being true in all things (in word, action, and
thought), being obedient to the truth, and having our faith centered in the
Lord, Jesus Christ, we will be protected. And not one soul of us will fall
as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, have been
directed to search for knowledge. Elder Marcos A. Aidukaitis gives three ways
that we can learn the truth for ourselves.
“First, we can know the truth by observing its fruits….
"Second, we can find truth by experimenting on the word ourselves….
"However, there is yet a third way to know the
truth, and that is by personal revelation” (link to talk).
Lord does not tell us that we have to believe what the missionaries, the
bishop, the Gospel Doctrine teacher, our friends, family, or what any one else
tells us about the truth of this gospel. He counsels us to “study it out in
[our] mind; then [we] must ask [Him] if it be right, and if it is right [He]
will cause that [our bosoms] shall burn within [us]; therefore, [we] shall feel
that it is right” (Doctrine & Covenants 9:8). Study it out yourself, and
then go straight to the source. Ask God.
Prophet Joseph Smith followed this counsel and found out for himself that this
gospel is true. We can do the same. As we come to know the truth for ourselves
we can become stronger and stronger in our conviction of living the gospel of
Jesus Christ.
Elder Aidukaitis
said, “God will reveal truth to those who seek for it as prescribed in the
scriptures” (link to talk). In the Book of James we read the instruction,
“If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be
given him.
“But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering”
(James 1:5-6).
the Book of Mormon we have another witness of finding the Lord’s unfailing
guide to know truth.
“And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye
would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are
not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having
faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of
the Holy Ghost.
“And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know
the truth of all things” (Moroni 10:4-5, emphasis added).
speaking to the Corinthians, also stated the need for a witness of the Holy
Ghost when he said, “no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy
Ghost” (1 Corintians 12:3).
one receives a witness by the convincing power of the Holy Ghost it is one that
cannot be denied or doubted. President Joseph Fielding Smith explained,
“When a man has the manifestation from
the Holy Ghost, it leaves an indelible impression on his soul, one that is not
easily erased. It is Spirit speaking to spirit, and it comes with convincing
force. A manifestation of an angel, or even of the Son of God himself, would
impress the eye and mind, and eventually become dimmed, but the impressions of
the Holy Ghost sink deeper into the soul and are more difficult to erase”
(Answers to Gospel Questions, comp. Joseph Fielding Smith Jr., 5 vols.
[1957–66], 2:151).
Elder Dallin H. Oaks also quoted Joseph Fielding Smith when he said,
“President Joseph Fielding Smith taught: 'The Spirit of God speaking to the spirit of man has power to impart truth with greater effect and understanding than the truth can be imparted by personal contact even with heavenly beings. Through the Holy Ghost the truth is woven into the very fibre and sinews of the body so that it cannot be forgotten' (link to talk).
receive our own witness of the Holy Ghost about the truth will take faith and
effort. We can “experiment on the word” (Alma 32:27) by reading the scriptures,
ask God if it is true, and gain a testimony for themselves. Those who follow
this pattern can be armed with the power of truth.
Where do we go to
find truth? We look for the words of the Lord. For God, our Father, is “a God
of truth, and [can] not lie” (Ether 3:12). The words of God can be found in the
the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints we have four books of scripture
known as the Standard Works:
the Holy Bible, the Book of Mormon, the Pearl of Great Price, and the Doctrine and
Covenants. We have been admonished to study all of these words of scripture,
but a particular emphasis has been placed on reading the Book of Mormon. As we
read the scriptures we can liken the messages to our own lives and
the Book of Mormon we read about the prophet Lehi having an amazing dream—one
that is very applicable to our day. In one part of his dream it mentions a rod
of iron. Nephi recorded this about his father’s dream, “And I beheld a rod of
iron, and it extended along the bank of the river, and led to the tree by which
I stood” (1 Nephi 8:19).
later sees the dream for himself and finds out the interpretation from an angel
of the Lord. “And it came to pass that I beheld that the rod of iron, which my
father had seen, was the word of God, which led to the fountain of living waters, or to the tree of
life” (1 Nephi 11:25, emphasis added).
iron rod is the word of God. Nephi testified to his brothers about the critical
nature of listening to and obeying the word of God when he said,
“and whoso would hearken until the word of God,
and would hold fast unto it, they would never perish; neither could the
temptations and the fiery darts of the adversary overpower them unto blindness,
to lead them away to destruction” (1 Nephi 15:24).
protection! By hearkening to the word of God we can be shielded from the
blinding power of temptation--not just reading the words, but doing what they say.
the October 2011 Ensign Elder
David A. Bednar goes into greater depth, and speaks of differing levels of
protection the iron rod provided to several groups of people in Lehi’s dream
(determined by their actions). The first group can be found in 1 Nephi 8:21-23.
They started on the strait and narrow path but were thrown off by the mists of
darkness, which represent the temptations of the adversary. Elder Bednar
“Notice that no mention is made in these verses of the rod of iron.
Those who ignore or treat lightly the word of God do not have access to that
divine compass which points the way to the Savior. Consider that this group
obtained the path and pressed forward, exhibiting a measure of faith in Christ
and spiritual conviction, but they were diverted by the temptations of the
devil and were lost” (link to article).
we do not protect ourselves by daily searching from the iron rod of truth, we
can be easily led away into temptation. This is where the adversary may try to
persuade us that if we miss one day of reading the scriptures we will be okay.
we liken this to our lives we can compare studying the word of God to eating
spiritual food. Would you be okay to miss one day of physical food without
noticing it a little? Would you be as physically strong and mentally acute?
What about missing two days, or a week, or a month? The compounding effect of
lacking spiritual sustenance may be less noticeable but is as incredibly vital
as the lack of physical nourishment. I know some people who read their
scriptures while they eat, because they know they will always remember
to eat!
Bendar continues with a second group (found in 1 Nephi 8:24-28) who are
“clinging to the rod of iron”. They arrive at the tree of life, are mocked by
those in the great and spacious building (representing the pride of the world),
feel ashamed, and fall away. He continues,
“Even with faith, commitment, and the word of God, this [second]
group eventually was lost—perhaps because they only periodically read or
studied or searched the scriptures. Clinging to the rod of iron suggests to me
only occasional ‘bursts’ of study or irregular dipping rather than consistent,
ongoing immersion in the word of God.
“In [1 Nephi 8:30] we read about a third group of people who pressed
forward ‘continually holding fast to the rod of iron, until they came forth and fell down and partook
of the fruit of the tree.’…
“The third group also pressed forward with faith and conviction;
however, there is no indication that they wandered off, fell into forbidden
paths, or were lost. Perhaps this third group of people consistently read and
studied and searched the scriptures…. This is the group you and I should strive
to join” (link to article).
Jeffrey R. Holland also spoke of Lehi’s dream.
“In Lehi’s dream an already difficult journey
gets more difficult when a mist of darkness arises, obscuring any view of the safe
but narrow path his family and others are to follow. It is imperative to note
that this mist of darkness descends on all the travelers—the faithful and the determined ones…as well as the
weaker and ungrounded ones. The principal point of the story is that the
successful travelers resist all distractions, including the lure of forbidden
paths and jeering taunts from the vain and proud who have taken those paths.
The record says that the protected ‘did press their way forward, continually
[and, I might add, tenaciously] holding fast’ to a rod of iron that runs
unfailingly along the course of the true path. However dark the
night or the day, the rod
marks the way of that solitary, redeeming trail” (link to talk).
to the rod of iron may seem difficult at times but we must continually hold
fast—especially now. These days in which we are living have been prophesied
about and are perilous. It is imperative that we arm ourselves against the
power of the adversary. With the power of the adversary and the power of the
Lord both on the earth there will be a significant pull from both sides.
can obtain guidance from Lehi’s dream, as Nephi explained,
“And great was
the multitude that did enter into that strange building [representing the pride
of the world]. And after they did enter into that building they did point the
finger of scorn at me and those that were partaking of the fruit also; but we
heeded them not.
“These are the words of my father: For as many as
heeded them, had fallen away” (1 Nephi 8:33-34).
If we focus on the Lord we can be guided by Him. If we look to the world for guidance, we will end up somewhere we don't want to be. Elder
Holland states,
“The Savior warned that in the last days even those of the covenant,
the very elect, could be deceived by the enemy of truth. If we think
of this as a form of spiritual destruction, it may cast light on another
latter-day prophecy. Think of the heart as the figurative center of our faith,
the poetic location of our loyalties and our values; then consider Jesus’s
declaration that in the last days ‘men’s hearts [shall fail] them’” (link to talk).
can we do to protect ourselves against this awful plight? I love Elder
Holland's words of instruction.
“Brothers and sisters, God always provides safety
for the soul, and with the Book of Mormon, He has again done that in our time.
Remember this declaration by Jesus Himself: ‘Whoso treasureth up my word, shall
not be deceived’—and in the last days neither your heart nor your faith will
fail you” (link to talk).
the armor, and protection, of truth by reading from the word of God every
single day.
found one thing that I wasn’t expecting when studying about arming ourselves
with truth. I found it in the gospel of John where it says, “Jesus saith unto
him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but
by me” (John 14:6). I realized that Jesus is also truth.
I thought about it I realized that when we take the name of the Lord upon us we
arm ourselves with truth. Each week we can renew our baptismal covenants, and take His name upon us, as we
worthily partake of the sacrament. The promised blessing is that,
“[we] may always have his Spirit to be with [us]” (Doctrine & Covenants 20:77).
we remain worthy to partake of the sacrament each week, and take His name upon
us, we can be blessed with His armor of truth.
want to start with a quote from Elder Quentin L. Cook about types of bondage.
“God intended that men and women would be free to make choices
between good and evil. When evil choices become the dominant characteristic of
a culture or nation, there are serious consequences both in this life and the
life to come. People can become enslaved or put themselves in bondage not only
to harmful, addictive substances but also to harmful, addictive philosophies
that detract from righteous living.
“Turning from the worship of the true and living
God and worshipping false gods like wealth and fame and engaging in immoral and
unrighteous conduct result in bondage in all its insidious manifestations.
These include spiritual, physical, and intellectual bondage and sometimes bring
destruction” (link to talk).
the Book of Mormon the prophet, King Benjamin, speaks of the tendencies of man
and their innate nature to be in opposition to God. He also shares the way to
free ourselves; “[yield] to the enticings of the Holy Spirit” or the whisperings
of the truth. He also explains that this freedom can only come “through the
atonement of Christ the Lord” (Mosiah 3:19).
do we overcome the natural man and free ourselves from the bondage of sin?
Jesus said to those who believe on Him, “If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know
the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:31-32). Jesus was free
from the chains of Satan because He knew the truth and lived it. We have that
same promise.
Elder N. Eldon Tanner said,
“Freedom is based on truth, and no man is
completely free as long as any part of his belief is based on error, for the
chains of error bind his mind. This is why it is so important for us to learn
all the truth we can from all the sources we can. We need particularly to
search the scriptures, for in them are the words which, if accepted and lived,
will lead us to eternal life” (link to talk).
we study the scriptures we can know the truth for ourselves. As we act in the
truth that we have received our testimonies will grow. President Thomas S.
Monson stated,
“We face many serious challenges in the world
today, but I assure you that our Heavenly Father is mindful of us. He will
guide and bless us as we put our faith and trust in Him and will see us through
whatever difficulties come our way….
"May we constantly nourish our testimonies of the
gospel, that they will be a protection for us against the buffetings of the
adversary” (link to talk).
we are honest in our efforts to act in our knowledge of the truth we can have
confidence that we are on the path that the Lord has prescribed. As we read the
scriptures we can build our lives firmly upon the gospel of Jesus Christ. We
can gain strength from the Atonement of Jesus Christ as we take His name upon
us each week. As we arm ourselves with truth, and have faith in the promises of
the Lord, we will find,
“...that when the devil shall send forth his mighty
winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail and his mighty
storm shall beat upon you, it shall have no power over you to drag you down to
the gulf of misery and endless wo, because of the rock upon which ye are built,
which is a sure foundation, a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall”
(Helaman 5:12).
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