Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Personal Experience with Reading the Book of Mormon

I have read the Book of Mormon multiple times in my life. A few years ago I realized that sometimes I didn’t really get much out of my scripture reading. I remember a talk by President Ezra Taft Benson in which he talked about reasons for reading the Book of Mormon. He said,

“It helps us draw nearer to God. Is there not something deep in our hearts that longs to draw nearer to God, to be more like Him in our daily walk, to feel His presence with us constantly? If so, then the Book of Mormon will help us do so more than any other book.
It is not just that the Book of Mormon teaches us truth, though it indeed does that. It is not just that the Book of Mormon bears testimony of Christ, though it indeed does that, too. But there is something more. There is a power in the book which will begin to flow into your lives the moment you begin a serious study of the book. You will find greater power to resist temptation. You will find the power to avoid deception. You will find the power to stay on the strait and narrow path.” (Ezra Taft Benson, "The Book of Mormon-Keystone of Our Religion", Ensign, Nov 1986).

Marion G. Romney also spoke of the power that comes from a regular study of the Book of Mormon when he said:

“I feel certain that if, in our homes, parents will read from the Book of Mormon prayerfully and regularly, both by themselves and with their children, the spirit of that great book will come to permeate our homes and all who dwell therein. The spirit of reverence will increase; mutual respect and consideration for each other will grow. The spirit of contention will depart. Parents will counsel their children in greater love and wisdom. Children will be more responsive and submissive to the counsel of their parents. Righteousness will increase. Faith, hope, and charity—the pure love of Christ—will abound in our homes and lives, bringing in their wake peace, joy, and happiness.” (Marion G. Romney, "The Book of Mormon", Ensign, May 1980).

I decided that I was going to test these promises, and make a daily, intentional, study of the book of Mormon. When I first started, I was a little worried because I generally read right before bed. I didn't think I could get much out of it, and I was also worried that staying up later to read would not be as beneficial as sleep. I knelt down and explained to the Lord that I wanted to read the scriptures, but I would really need His help to get something out of what I was reading, and also that I would have help to be functional in the morning - especially with my later night readings.

As a young mother, I was often very tired, and my emotions were high. About a month after starting this experiment I had a really rough day. When I talked to my husband about my troubles he said that he was surprised about me having a rough day, because for the past month there had been such a wonderful feeling in our home. I feel that has been a tremendous blessing from reading the Book of Mormon. It has given me the courage to keep reading every day because I know that the Lord will continue to support me. One thing I have learned is when I remember to ask the Lord, he is there to help.

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